Business Directory

View Friends of Trinity Lutheran College Foundation's current Business Directory here. Support the organisations that actively engage with The Trinity Lutheran College and generously support the enhancement of the facilities across both campuses for current and emerging students.

Should you have any questions or concerns please contact the foundation on or by phoning (07) 555 68 222.

Glitz Coasters

Handmade Australian made bling wine coasters and champagne coasters not only do they look amazing but they stay on your glass and soak up all the condensation.

Get a 6 pack for $35.00 normally $45.00.

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Steve Kyneur Lawn & Garden Maintenance

*Lawn Mowing *Edge Trimming *Weed Spraying *Hedges Trimmed *Palm Trees Cleaned *Palm Fronds & Green Waste Removed. *Homes *Body Corporate Industrial

Sites Guaranteed Personal Service.

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Steve Kyneur
07 5575 3300
0412 375 363
Areas covered - Southport to Burleigh Heads Mermaid Waters QLD Australia